Friday 27 January 2012

The Friday Issue

"Whoa! Steady boy!". That's me shouting at the bus driver (in my head of course) as he performs yet another handbrake-spin with the new 76 seater he's been given for the day.
I'm due in Lawrence Weston which is quite a journey from Bristol centre, and I'm running slightly late, but I want to live to teach another class. At least he's wearing his uniform today - last Friday he was sporting a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie. I wasn't aware that bus staff had 'dress down' days, but it put him in a better mood so I'm not going to quibble if he chooses joggers and a vest next week.

On a positive note, the Big Issue seller outside Sainsburys at the Harbourside just offered me a 50p discount. He said it was his way of saying thanks to all the people who buy him coffee during the week. He then went on to explain some changes that have been made to the magazine's format and content, which in his opinion, 'made for a more relevant offering that was better placed to compete with some of the popular photo-led journals.' What a great sales pitch! The man needs a promotion. And I need seatbelt - and perhaps a sick bag. Next stop driver!!

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